Papulu-ku Nyinjjiki Exhibition & Forum

Papulu-ku Nyinjjiki Exhibition & Forum
Papulu-ku Nyinjjiki Exhibition & Forum
Acknowledging cultural protocol on Warumungu Land is explained through the story at the heart of our constitution, the story of Julawarra and Gilygi. Julawurra the python who was the gyirda (rightful boss) of Jurnkkurakurr our sacred waterhole, and Gilygi the snake that came without permission from the west. Our Wingara (spiritual ancestral beings) created law to keep order on our Country. It was them that put these laws in place, and still today these laws keep harmony in our community. These Warumungu laws and customs came from our spiritual ancestral beings, on our Manu (country). Today we still practice these protocols, and they need to be acknowledged and respected by both cultures, Wumpurrarni (Indigenous) and Papulinyi (non-Indigenous), for us to work together in harmony.
Papulu-ku Nyinjjiki Exhibition & Forum